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  3. [2015-05-05] Major investment in resource and waste research
News | 2015-05-05

Major investment in resource and waste research

IVL will participate in a new, long-term research programme for sustainable resource and waste management. Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas are to jointly invest SEK 430 million in five new strategic innovation programmes in which industry, academia and the public sector working together will create the conditions for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges.

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute will collaborate in one of the five research and innovation programmes, Resource, whose main focus is to ramp up economic and environmental sustainability in the resource and waste management sector. The first phase that will run until 2018 is now underway, but the undertaking is scheduled to last up to twelve years. – IVL will lead the part of the programme dedicated to the investigation of the resource-efficient society. The programme as a whole is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and projects, says Åsa Stenmarck, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. The programme will be coordinated by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and, in addition to IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute; the Working Group will comprise Chalmers Industrial Technology, Luleå University of Technology and Swerea. For more information, please contact: Åsa Stenmarck Email: asa.stenmarck@ivl.se