Strategies for climate-neutral properties
A clear strategy for climate work means that you can follow up and reduce the risks in real estate investments. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute helps you develop strategies for the business's climate work so that both your business and your properties become climate neutral.
A climate strategy shows your customers and investors how you apply different industry standards and provides guidance for the application of climate and sustainability requirements in your supply chain.
We have a method for strategic climate work. You can choose to use individual parts or work with the entire process to get the most business benefit, both in the short and long term. In addition, we use in-house developed tools with broad industry roots to follow up and evaluate measures. Examples of this are BM for climate declaration, Tidstegen for energy measures, eBVD External link, opens in new window. and BASTA
External link, opens in new window. for material selection and CCBuild
External link, opens in new window. for increased recycling. With these, and our own environmental factbook as a basis, we help you set climate and environmental requirements in procurements so that you can follow up and evaluate the environmental benefits in both the short and long term.
Our experience of research and innovation initiatives around the construction industry's challenges, principles and methods make us a safe partner as we know what is relevant right now, but also what lasts in the long run.
Hire IVL to:
- Understand your company's climate impact by identifying emissions, analyzing priorities and legal requirements and reviewing important principles and holistic perspectives
- Develop methods for calculating emissions, such as data strategies, data collection, calculations and accounting as well as standards such as GHG
- Set sharp and substantiated goals, according to the Science Based Targets method or equivalent
- Create well-thought-out action work, with priorities, focus areas and initiatives, action plan, activities, programs and follow-up
- Follow up and communicate the company's work to reduce climate impact