Photo: David Plas
IVL contributes to IPCC's sixth assessment cycle
United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assesses the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. IVL actively contributes to the IPCC work, as IVL researchers are lead authors of the reports which are produced in a cooperation of outstanding researchers and expects around the world.
IPCC does not conduct new research, but rather synthesizes the existing knowledge from scientific and non-scientific literature. Researchers from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute contribute to the sixth assessment cycle, in which the IPCC is producing the Sixth Assessment Report 6 (AR6) and a refinement to its latest methodology report.
The AR6 consists of several special reports, contributions from its three working groups (WGs) and a synthesis report (SYR) which integrates all the reports produced during the cycle.
An extensive work is being done to produce the WG contributions, which will be finalized in 2021. WG-1 contribution describes The Physical Science Basis, WG-2 contribution summarizes Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, and WG-3 contribution focuses on Mitigation of Climate Change. In the WG-3 contribution External link., Érika Mata, researcher at IVL, is one of the lead authors of the chapter on climate mitigation from the buildings sector. The work requires to produce the chapter by critically assessing the available scientific, technical and socioeconomic information.
In 2019, the IPCC published a methodology report to refine the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories External link., which provides guidelines for annual national emissions inventories. Tomas Gustafsson, researcher at IVL, was one of the lead authors of the chapter on emissions from industrial processes and product use, more specifically emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases.