Guidance published on how to use our toolbox for life cycle based assessments
A new report gives guidance to the use of the Mistra SafeChem toolbox for life cycle based assessments.
This report provides information on life cycle based assessments to be used to develop safe and sustainable chemistry, as they have been used in the Mistra SafeChem research programme.
– The requirement to consider various aspects anchored in different research communities is rather novel and it is therefore expected that adjustments and iterations will be necessary based on the results of research programmes such as Mistra SafeChem, comments Jutta Hildenbrand, RISE, one of the authors.
The report provides background on established assessment contexts for chemical alternatives assessment, life cycle assessment and integrated chemical footprint assessment. It includes a synthetic case study to showcase the application of tools and current challenges, providing data, modelling and interpretation of results.
The report is written by Jutta Hildenbrand, Steffen Schellenberger, Anna-Karin Hellström and Mikael Larsson, all from RISE, Hanna Holmquist and Tomas Rydberg, IVL, and Kerstin von Borries, DTU.