Åsa Romson visited Cityfied’s pilot project in Lund
On May 6, Sweden's climate and environment minister Åsa Romson (Swedish Green Party) visited Lund to learn more about climate-smart and eco-friendly projects. One of the projects she visited was Cityfied’s pilot in Linerö that aims to upgrade the 70’s housing in the area.
Cityfied has been granted in the region of SEK450 million in EU funding, and is part of a larger EU endeavour targeting energy efficiency; the consortium behind Cityfied also includes actors from Spain, Turkey, Belgium and Germany. The pilot project in Lund is a collaboration between the Municipality of Lund, Lund Kommuns fastighets AB, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Kraftringen AB, and is focused on the redevelopment of the Linero district and the creation of more eco-friendly homes. The target is 31 per cent less housing energy consumption and 93 per cent fossil free direct heating. – We will deploy balanced energy-efficient retrofit solutions to increase the energy efficiency of existing homes, primarily in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the area without for that sake pushing up rents. The overall aim is to test and develop tools and processes that other cities elsewhere in Europe can use to renovate existing buildings in a climate-smart way, said Jeanette Green, who hopes that the project will be a source of inspiration and provide more towns with a good basis for the implementation of new mixes of measures designed to improve energy efficiency. During the project's first phase various energy-saving measures for the area concerned were examined and assessed. Renovation has first been carried out in a pilot building, and will be evaluated before the rest of the housing is refurbished. Among other things, solar cells will be installed, the district heating network improved and the electric mains upgraded. A total of 500 apartments will be upgraded during the project. IVL believes that the project will bring about considerable environmental benefits, and that all partners will learn more about how to increase the energy efficiency of housing and energy systems by deploying innovative and cost-effective technologies to boost overall energy efficiency. Please direct any questions to: Jeanette Green Email: jeanette.green@ivl.se